Posts in Gluten Free
Spiced Pumpkin Soup

One of my good friends is Italian, and his lovely Mama, like any good Italian mother, always gifts him with food and plants when he visits or when she comes to town. It's become a bit of a thing lately that she is now also including me in the tradition, and most recently I scored some gorgeous potted succulents, and 2 weeks ago, half a pumpkin from Uncle Silvini's farm!

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Quinoa porridge with Chia & LSA

As someone who is gluten intolerant, but an avid lover of comfort food, quinoa porridge has been my absolute saviour.  Now, the word 'Superfood' gets thrown around as much these days as the word 'influential' gets thrown around in the music industry. But seriously, this food really is super! It's protein rich and contains all nine essential amino acids, it's high in fibre (contains almost twice as much as other high-fibre foods), and also contains iron, magnesium and other healthy stuff. It's a no-brainer, really.. 

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